Strategy & Planning

Our gap analysis will walk you through your current processes & programs, show you strategies for improvement, and help you plan for the future. Enhance your existing tools and focus on implementing positive business strategies.

Millican & Associates, Inc.

We are an Internationally Recognized
Information Management Services Firm in Business since 1981.
As a leader in transforming organizations to meet the challenges of the electronic future,
we deliver innovative and practical records management and information governance solutions
from conception through implementation.

Millican's Information Governance and Electronic Records Management Framework:

Unifies information lifecycle goals, objectives, and policies across Data Management, Information Technology, and Records Management

Enables consistency across the myriad diverse processes essential to maintaining, safeguarding, and disseminating high quality information to decision-makers

Helps optimize the use of existing technology to manage electronic records, while minimizing the impact on business processes

Millican provides services to Fortune 500 companies
and all 3 branches of the Federal government

Selected Projects

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Provide technical support for efforts to manage email records in accordance with Goal 1.2 of OMB/NARA M-12-18, Managing Government Records Directive.
Perform records inventories and draft disposition schedules enterprise-wide. Activities include subject matter expert interviews with federal staff; analysis, validation, and incorporation of new information; raising the existing granular records inventory information to a functional level; and drafting new disposition schedules at that functional level.

Information Governance Expertise

Internationally-Recognized Work