Developing taxonomies and logical structures for recorded information collections, especially content management systems or EDMS or ERMS subsets.
Analyzing information collections and compiling results into mission-supporting processes.
Developing and implementing version control/configuration management business rules to assure the correct information is delivered to support mission objectives.
Developing metadata standards.
Tagging and indexing recorded information for effective retrieval.
Capturing vital information from department files into organized and secure repositories.
Developing records retention schedules.
Providing records disposition support utilizing approved schedules for records clean-up, retirement, or archiving.
Training to assure staff understand and effectively carry out their responsibilities for managing recorded information in all media.
- Cost-Effective Solutions for managing recorded information to meet Federal mandates such as OMB/NARA M-19-21, Transition To Electronic Records, including solution planning, development, justification, and implementation.
- Declassification/FOIA/Privacy services to address openness initiatives; deliver timely responses to FOIA requests and supply tracking services; and support systematic and special case declassification reviews.
- Records Disposition Support by developing SF-115s that meet NARA registration requirements and utilizing approved schedules and SF-135s for records clean-up, retirement, or destruction.